Richard lives by four basic principles: Nothing is impossible; abnormal is the new normal; do your best every waking moment; inspire and support others. He combines these principles with three simple career concepts: If it is rewarding, keep doing it; if it is not rewarding, stop doing it; if it is not rewarding and you have to keep doing it, make it rewarding. A born entrepreneur and Business Management graduate from LSU, former vegan restaurant owner, international sales manager for commercial & retail print media, and four miserable years in corporate healthcare marketing. Finally, in 2002 he landed his dream job at Conscious Choice. Which was great, until the corporate giant who eventually owned it fired everyone and closed it down. Not one to be easily dissuaded, he has happily settled in with his Chicago community and "family" to carry the Conscious Choice torch and facilitate publication of Mindful Metropolis. The new medium focuses on creating conversations in Chicago�s conscious community through a monthly print magazine, via community events, and in digital/online media. Mission: Bringing divergent cultures and communities together through sustainability initiatives using multi-platform, integrated media as influencing forces. See www.mindfulmetropolis.com. When not working within the various realms of print media in his role as CEO & Publisher, he is busy playing with his dogs, tending his bees and digging in the dirt on his rural farmstead in northwestern Illinois.