Mari Gallagher is President of Mari Gallagher Research & Consulting Group (www.marigallagher.com) and the National Center for Public Research (www.NCforPR.org), both headquartered in Chicago. Mari authored Examining the Impact of Food Deserts on Public Health in Chicago, a breakthrough study that popularized the term �Food Desert� nationally in 2006 and encouraged Congressman Bobby Rush to enter �Food Desert� language into the Farm Bill (the report was updated with 2008 and 2010). Mari was the first to develop a block-by-block metric for �Food Deserts� and �Food Balance� linked with health measures and has since done similar work in Detroit, rural Michigan, Louisville, Harlem, Richmond, Savannah, and many other locations. Other areas of expertise include quantitative and qualitative research projects; financial services, civil rights, housing, community development, safety, community planning, workforce issues, the economy, immigration, the environment, open space, and community health; market analyses, commercial site assessments and hands-on redevelopment consulting; business strategies; mapping; expert testimony, facilitation, and public forums. Mari is also an Adjunct Associate Professor at the Institute on Urban Health Research at Bouv� College of Health Sciences at Northeastern University in Boston. Mari�s work has been featured in many venues including CNN and recently a TED talk. TED is world famous for ideas worth spreading.