Hyndman on
retiring from teaching took on the challenge of starting an edible school
garden at her former school. The Dawes
Garden of Eatin' begins its eighth year of operation this spring. At the heart of the program is Taste
Education along with helping children understand that their food choices effect
not only their health but that of the planet.
Ten edible school gardens, many inspired by the Dawes model, are now in
place in the Evanston community. As the
Dawes School Garden Committee looked at how to ensure the long term sustainability
of their program and those of others coming on line, the idea took root of
finding broad scale community support to help grow the movement. Lynn co-chaired this initiative and with the
support of the Dawes PTA and the garden committee, SAGE was formed. Schools Are
Gardening in Evanston, or SAGE, ultimately is about ensuring that all residents
of the community have access to good, clean and fair food. To that end, SAGE
hopes to inspire all sectors of the community to be part of our movement in
building a healthier future for our children.
SAGE's focus is on community outreach, organizing educational programs,
and developing strong partnerships to support and advocate for healthier food