Gary Cuneen is the Founder and Executive Director of
Seven Generations Ahead (SGA), a nonprofit organization serving the Chicago
area and Midwest since 2001 through its mission to promote ecologically
sustainable communities. Gary designs and manages SGA�s programming, and
consults directly with area municipal, business, school, and community
decision‐makers to facilitate comprehensive multi‐stakeholder sustainability
planning and the implementation of best practices. Gary is the co‐founder of
Green Town: The Future of Community, a conference targeting municipal and
private sector leaders from the Chicago area and Midwest to learn about leading
edge sustainable city initiatives, best practices, and public‐private
sustainable development initiatives. Gary has worked in the Farm to School
movement since 2003, and has designed and built SGA�s current Fresh from the
Farm program in collaboration with SGA program staff. A former community
organizer, classroom teacher, teacher trainer, and organizational development
consultant, Gary brings a variety of skills to the task of furthering the
development of Seven Generations Ahead and increasing its transformational
impact on the health and well being of children, adults, and our natural