Aaron Noble Durnbaugh
is Deputy Commissioner with Chicago Department of Environment's Natural
Resources and Water Quality Division (NRWQ).
Department of Environment is the lead agency developing and implementing
the Chicago Climate Action Plan (2008).
NRWQ educates the public on climate change and environmental issues through
the Chicago Center for Green Technology, Chicago
Conservation Corps, Greencorps Chicago and green job training programs. NRWQ creates mitigation opportunities through
wetland protection in the Calumet region and
urban vegetation projects throughout the City.
It also prepares infrastructure for a changing climate through adaptive
planting lists, invasive species regulation, green infrastructure resiliency
and natural resource protection. He holds a Master's Degree in Geography and
Environmental Studies and is a LEED� accredited professional. Mr. Durnbaugh serves as Co-chair for Mayor
Daley�s Nature and Wildlife Advisory Committee, Chair for the Chicago Trees
Initiative and is Vice-Chair of the Chicago Wilderness Alliance.