John Caveny�s core farming activity is growing grass. John and wife Connie live on their rural Piatt County, Illinois farm purchased in 1987. They graze Katahdin sheep and Heritage breeds of turkeys, ducks and geese in addition to growing grassy renewable energy crops. All animals are hormone and antibiotic free. Their farming philosophy embraces �practical conservation.� A tenet of this philosophy is farm and ranchland should be managed in an ecologically responsible way and remain �working land� instead of �retired land� removed from active agricultural production. They believe it is possible to make a living through core farm enterprises and at the same time produce blue sky, green grass and fresh air. Grazing poultry is one component of that activity.
John and Connie are the primary workers with seasonal assistance from their two grown daughters, son-in-laws and grandsons. Both children are farm raised and trade their labor for a share of the harvest. Caveny Farm is pleased to be recognized as one of the �Rare Breed Farmers� featured in the August 2003 issue of the Slow Food publication, the Snail.
Turkey has been a favorite meat in the United States since pre- Colonial days. The regal bird with spread bronze tail is part of American culture and history. But the type of turkey commonly available changed when large factory-style poultry producers developed varieties that grew very fast and could be processed with less labor. Few communities welcome a mega-turkey facility raising monster white birds as a neighbor; they don�t contribute to the local economy either. Health issues aside, these birds are not as tasty. Turkey is associated with Thanksgiving providing a market for a special, high quality bird. John and Connie Caveny work to fill that market with heritage turkeys and other poultry grown locally in a sustainable, environmentally responsible and economically viable way.
Production has grown from 48 American Bronze turkeys in 2002 to more than 700 Bourbon Red turkeys produced for the 2010 winter holiday season. In 2003 Caveny Farm teamed with Slow Food Chicago to provide turkeys for its Heritage Turkey Project. In 2004 we added a Heritage Breed of goose for the Christmas market, the American Buff. We also raise and sell Rouen Ducks for Christmas. Our market continues to grow. Please visit us at www.cavenyfarm.com.